To all of the new moms-to-be, congratulations! We know you would rather save your pennies for that beautiful nursery or future college fund than spend a fortune on maternity clothes so let InfinityBelt help extend the life of your clothing.
Many women are scouring the internet for ways to expand the waist of their pre-pregnancy jeans, even using rubber bands to keep them fastened just a little bit longer. The InfinityBelt is made of a soft, durable elastic material that stretches right along with your growing baby bump and offers more coverage and security than trying to rig the button hole with a rubber band. It is perfect sleek solution for the period of time post baby where your body is still changing as well.
Another pregancy and breastfeeding dilemma is the ever changing bra size. Buying a new bra ($20-$100) at ever stage of your pregnancy really adds up. A more economical answer is the InfinityBelt Bra Extender for only $3.99. The Bra Extender attaches to the hooks of your regular bra just as easily as you normally fasten it and allows you to extend the life of the bras you already own.
We hope these two solutions help you enjoy this special time in your life and want to offer you a discount of 10% off your purchase with the code MOM10.